Pumi Puppies
An adventurous, active, and playful breed
The Pumi is an affectionate breed that is easy to train. It was originally bred as a sheepherding dog, so it can have herding tendencies. However, you can train away these tendencies with fun activities. This breed's unique coat is hypoallergenic and requires trimming every couple of months.
Pumi At a Glance
Pumi At a Glance
- Size: 15"-19", 22-29 lbs
- Lifespan: 12-13 years
- Energy Level: high
- Coat: Curly, one length, dense, and soft
- Shedding: light
- Hypoallergenic: Yes
- Dog Group: Herding
- Common Nicknames: Hungarian Pumi
Pumi Breed Guide
Learn More About The Pumi