Norwegian Buhund Puppies

Photo of Norwegian Buhund

A playful, friendly, and gentle breed

The Norwegian Buhund is a breed so rare that they are almost completely extinct. These are happy dogs that are gentle, very affectionate, and love being around people.

Norwegian Buhund At a Glance

Photo of Norwegian Buhund Photo of Norwegian Buhund Photo of Norwegian Buhund Photo of Norwegian Buhund

Norwegian Buhund At a Glance

  • Size: 16"-19", 25-40 lbs.
  • Lifespan: 12-15 years
  • Energy Level: high
  • Coat: Thick outer coat with a soft and woolly undercoat
  • Shedding: heavy
  • Hypoallergenic: No
  • Dog Group: Herding
  • Common Nicknames:

Norwegian Buhund Breed Guide

Learn More About Norwegian Buhunds

  • Temperament

    These dogs are very courageous and agile and love to play around with other breeds big or small. They're also very kind and take very well to humans- making fast friends with their family members.

  • Health

    These pups are usually very healthy and don't suffer from much of anything aside from hip and eye problems like most canine breeds.

  • Activity Level

    Dogs like these have high energy and love to bounce and run. They make for great farm dogs and are also perfect for playing with other breeds.

  • Grooming

    These dogs are easy to groom and it should be done quite often with how thick their fur can get.

  • Shedding

    These dogs are heavy shedders and are known to get their fur all over the place. It can clump pretty badly, so make sure to take them outside plenty and to keep a brush prepared for these incidents.

  • Appearance

    These dogs have very thick fur and smaller bodies. Their tails tend to have a slight curve to them, as well.

  • History

    Norwegian Buhunds have a long history of being great companions to humans. Back in the days of the Vikings, it is believed the buried remains of this species were buried with their owners, showing just how strong their bond was. Not only that, but this breed is excellent with other animals and dogs. Norwegian Buhunds have been trained to herd animals on ranches and farms. This is a very intelligent dog that isn't afraid of backing down from others or a challenge. This breed is extremely rare and is on its way to going extinct, however, several breeding programs have been put into place to try and keep this from happening. The few that actually own these dogs are very happy that they do, as Norwegian Buhunds are always energetic and happy. They're known to be quite joyful and bound around as if they have no cares in the world. These dogs are great at learning tricks, fetching, and playing dead.