Greyhound Puppies

Photo of Greyhound

An intelligent, athletic, and sweet breed

Greyhounds are unique in both looks and temperament, which has caused them to be adored by artists and even royalty. Ancestors of the breed date back over 5,000 years and were used to hunt the quick game of the Egyptian Desert. Today Greyhounds are beloved by families and show dog enthusiasts alike.

Greyhound At a Glance

Photo of Greyhound Photo of Greyhound Photo of Greyhound Photo of Greyhound

Greyhound At a Glance

  • Size: 27"-30", 60-70 lbs.
  • Lifespan: 10-13 years
  • Energy Level: high
  • Coat: Short and smooth
  • Shedding: light
  • Hypoallergenic: No
  • Dog Group: Hound
  • Common Nicknames: Beezer

Greyhound Breed Guide

Learn More About Greyhounds

  • Temperament

    Greyhounds are friendly, independent, and smart. They are very sensitive and can pick up on tension in the home even if they are not the recipient of it. These dogs are very patient with children and make great family companions. They have a tendency to be timid, but if they spot small game their hunting instincts will kick in.

  • Health

    Greyhounds are prone to bloat and gastric torsion because of their deep chests. These dogs may also be susceptible to eye problems, cardiac conditions, arthritis, Greyhound Polyneuropathy, bone cancer, and trouble with their hips.

  • Activity Level

    Greyhounds have a moderate energy level and should get 20-45 minutes of exercise every day. They were bred to run at high speeds, so they should be given the opportunity to sprint as often as possible. They should always be kept on a leash or in a fenced-in yard so their hunting instincts don't cause them to wander.

  • Grooming

    Greyhounds are low-maintenance when it comes to grooming. You can give this breed a light brush about once a week to keep its coat healthy and free of loose fur. Greyhounds have little to no dog odor and can be bathed on an as-needed basis. Like other breeds, Greyhounds need their nails clipped, their ears checked, and their ears cleaned often.

  • Shedding

    While Greyhounds have short coats that shed less than other breeds, the Greyhound is not hypoallergenic. Owners can expect this breed to shed more when seasons change in the spring and fall.

  • Appearance

    Greyhounds are most recognized for their long and skinny heads, wide chests, and narrow waist. Their coat is short and smooth and can be fawn, black, white, red, or gray.

  • History

    Greyhounds can be dated back to 1,000 B.C. when they lived in ancient Egypt. Egyptians used Greyhounds for hunting rabbits and other fast prey because of their great speed and eyesight. Greyhounds were recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 1885 and soon after were officially used in racing. Greyhound races became notorious for mistreating and abusing this breed. As a result, Greyhound racing has been banned in many states across the US.