Estrela Mountain Dog Puppies

Photo of Estrela Mountain Dog

The Loyal and Affectionate Estrela Mountain Dog

Estrela Mountain Dogs were bred to herd livestock, but have become known for being great with families and children. Due to their herding instincts they have a tendency to be dominant, so early training and socialization is a must. They make bonds for life, and make great protectors of their owners homes or farms.

Estrela Mountain Dog At a Glance

Photo of Estrela Mountain Dog Photo of Estrela Mountain Dog Photo of Estrela Mountain Dog Photo of Estrela Mountain Dog

Estrela Mountain Dog At a Glance

  • Size: 24"-29", 77-132 lbs.
  • Lifespan: 10-14 years
  • Energy Level: low
  • Coat: Thick and textured
  • Shedding: moderate
  • Hypoallergenic: No
  • Dog Group: Herding
  • Common Nicknames: Portuguese Shepherd

Estrela Mountain Dog Breed Guide

Learn More About Estrela Mountain Dogs

  • Temperament

    Estrela Mountain Dogs are loyal and affectionate towards their family, but suspicious of strangers. They were bred to be guardians so they make great watchdogs. With proper training they make loyal and affectionate companions, but it takes an experienced dog owner to curb their bad habits. They are intelligent, and must respect their owners to thrive.

  • Health

    Estrela Mountain Dogs could be prone to a few health conditions that many large herding dogs do, like Dilated Cardiomyopathy, Elbow Dysplasia, or Hip Dysplasia.

  • Activity Level

    If Estrela Mountain Dogs aren't working, they should be exercised regularly to maintain their mental and physical health. They need space to roam, and playtime in a large fenced in yard is optimal. They also make great hiking companions.

  • Grooming

    The Estrela Mountain Dog is fairly easy to take care of. They need little more grooming than a weekly brushing and occasional bath.

  • Shedding

    The Estrela Mountain Dog's thick coat does shed a moderate amount.

  • Appearance

    They are a large muscular dog that carries a lively expression. Their thick outer coat is harsh to protect them from the harsh mountain winters of Portugal, where the breed originated. Their coat can be found in 4 colors; brindle, fawn, wolf-grey, and yellow. They have bushy, feathered tails.

  • History

    The Estrela Mountain Dog traces its origins to herd-guarding dogs in the Portugese mountains. It's unclear whether the Romans or Visigoths originally brought the breed to the region. Regardless of when it arrived, the breed continued to be developed over centuries and remained hidden in the mountains until the early 20th century, when they started having herding shows. In the 1930's a breed standard was created but wasn't closely followed until 20 or 30 years later.